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--  作者:ICIE2011
--  发布时间:11/15/2010 3:27:00 PM

--  [推荐][ EI/ISTP] [截稿2010-11-30][中国 西安] UMC2011 (ICIE2011)
2011 WASE International Workshop on Ubiquitous
computing MANET and Cyber Physical System
Xi'an, China, 30 July, 2011

2011 WASE International Workshop on Ubiquitous computing MANET and Cyber Physical System (UMC2011)In conjunction with 2011 WASE International conference on Information Engineering

More than 35 years of research in distributed computing systems, more than two decades of mobile computing, together with long-term work on intelligent control have made the rapid advances in ubiquitous technologies. Ubiquitous computers, networks and information are paving a road towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed throughout the physical environment to provide trustworthy and relevant services to people.

MANET have not yet achieved the envisaged impact in terms of real world implementation and industrial deployment. The research on MANET lacks realism from a technical standpoint and from a socio-economic standpoint. Researchers concentrated on large-scale and completely decentralized networks built upon user devices only, with no authority in charge of controlling and managing the network. Addressing a very general network model provides many interesting problems from the academic standpoint.
At the same time, as computers become ever-faster and communication bandwidth ever-cheaper, computing and communication capabilities will be embedded in all types of objects and structures in the physical environment. Such systems that bridge the cyber-world of computing and communications with the physical world are cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. This intimate coupling between the cyber and physical will be manifested from the nano-world to large-scale wide-area systems of systems. And at multiple time-scales.

Important Dates
Full paper submission: November 30, 2010
Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2011
Camera-ready papers: Januaty 20, 2011
Presenting author registration due: January 20, 2011
Conference: July 30, 2011
Please submit your papers by using Easychair Conference System or icie@enjoywise.org

The topics of the workshop include, but not limited to:
Mobility networks and resource management
Energy efficiency and battery power consumption for ubiquitous computing
Network mobility and handoff management
Clouding computing and Wireless Sensor Network
Radio Frequency Identification and Internet of Things
Architectures and infrastructures of ubiquitous computing systems
Control theory and services in ubiquitous computing systems
Design and development of ubiquitous networks
Frameworks, discovery and distribution model for services computing
Sensor networks for context-aware computing
MANET and sensor for services computing
Middleware design for information dissemination services

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